Call for paper


Dear fellows,



As you known that ISOSS has decided to publish its own journal “Journal of Islamic Countries Society of Statistical Sciences (J-ISOSS)” in addition to its conference proceedings.

“The Journal of Islamic Countries Society of Statistical Sciences (J-ISOSS) is an official journal of Islamic Countries Society of Statistical Sciences. It is a scholarly, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, bi-annual journal aiming at theories, methods and applications in statistics, economics, applied and pure mathematics, business and management sciences, environmental management and sciences, computer science and Information technology and other areas of physical and social sciences. It is an international scientific journal that focuses on the advancement of innovative scientific research.”

I am inviting you to please submit a paper so that soon after peer reviewing your paper goes in print. I am sure you have a ready-made paper for me. Exploratory papers on any topic of your interest are also welcome.

I hope you accept my request at your earliest.


Best Wishes,

Prof. Dr. Munir Ahmad

Chief Editor (J-ISOSS)

Founding President & Patron ISOSS (
Chief Editor, PJS ( (JCR 2016)
Editor, JAPS (
& Rector, NCBA&E (

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